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01 Feb 2021

We’re pleased to announce the 2020 Corian® Design Award Winners!

It’s our favourite time of year: time to announce the 2020 Corian® Design Award Winners!

Recognising local designers for their creative use of Corian® in their field of expertise, these awards elevate the profiles of designers amongst their peers and the general public. Architectural and interior designers from across Australia use the Corian® Design Awards as an opportunity to celebrate their innovative and creative work, embodying the Corian® design principles of limitless opportunity within their practice.

This year, the Major Prize winners will be the proud recipients of a Corian® Creation with a twist – they’ll design it themselves! This prize is valued at up to $5,000 and can be any Corian® design of the winner’s choice, with CASF making it to their design specifications.

As the 2020 Corian® Design Awards were shortlisted, ten projects were identified. With so many designers pushing the limits of Corian® across all categories, making a final decision was difficult for the judges, who noted the innovative and imaginative use of the material to enhance and elevate key design elements, resulting in unique and thought-provoking appeal.

Without further ado, it’s time to announce the winners!

Grand Winner: QUTIC P Block, Designed by Brooke Proctor of PDT Architects

The judges were thrilled with Brooke’s design across QUTIC P Block, noting:

“The organic shapes of this project serve to highlight the seamless way Corian® can be used to make complex forms for unique designs. The tree analogy is quite apparent with the way the Corian® furniture object branches out and folds into desks, benching and cushioned seating. The design narrative is strong and Corian® was the perfect material to help realise the design. By using Corian® to create these moulded, cohesive forms, the architects transformed the central space into a more intuitive, collaborative environment.”

Congratulations, Brooke!

Grand Winner: Mosman Court, Designed by Andrew Gull of Gull Design, Collaborating with Blake Sheridan of Blake Sheridan

Corian® was put to ample use in Mosman Court by designers Andrew Gull and Blake Sheridan. Here’s our judging panel’s feedback:
“The designer’s continuation of materiality throughout a number of spaces offering seamlessness where you would want it in a home is well executed. Compliments also for the detailing to the kitchen island bench for showcasing the material and its slenderness. ”

“The use of Corian® throughout this project showcases beautiful craftsmanship through its clean and crisp lines. Executed with precision and purpose – the minimalist approach creates a visual lightness, and the selection of colours brings a lovely sense of warmth to each space. Practical, yet refreshing and inspiring.”
The winners and the highly commended shortlisted projects are featured on the CASF website, and all finalists and winners will also receive editorial and global exposure through the DuPont global network.

Look for the next entry call-out for the Corian® Design Awards and discover how Corian® can bring your architectural and interior design visions to life!